About the Artist cum
Project Director




她最近的研究項目 Barter Archive 於2020年榮獲瓦利紀念獎,並於2021年獲得英格蘭藝術理事會和香港藝術發展局的項目資助。該項目目前仍與倫敦博物館、皇家藝術學院、坎伯韋爾藝術大學以及泰特檔案館和白教堂畫廊的策展人進行合作。作品被倫敦博物館收藏,她曾於2022年擔任該館的研究員。 Barter Archive 受到廣泛媒體報導,包括衛報、The World of Interiors、It's Nice That 和 The Londonist 及南華早報等。

Pat WingShan Wong (aka Flyingpig) is a community-based illustrator. She is currently working as an Assistant Professor at the Academy of Visual Arts, Hong Kong Baptist University.

Having earned her Master of Arts in Illustration at the Royal College of Art in 2021, Wong specialises in portraying narratives within communities while connecting to the themes such as architecture, technology, memory and identity. In the same year, she served as a Lecturer in Illustration Animation at Kingston School of Art and delivered guest lectures at the Royal College of Art.

Previous publications include The Scenery of Old Shops (2016), an illustration book celebrating the owners and workers in the local traditional small businesses, and Once Upon a Time in Tai Kwun (2018), a collection of 100 oral narratives shared by the old neighbours in Central, which explores the history of the Central Police Station compound and the myriad intricate relationships cultivated in the neighbourhood.

Wong's recent research, the Barter Archive, received the Varley Memorable Award in 2020 and was granted funding by Art Council England and the Hong Kong Art Development Council in 2021. The project is ongoing and has collaborations with Royal College of Art, Camberwell University of Arts, and curators from the Tate Archive and the Whitechapel Gallery. The Museum of London, where Wong worked as a researcher in 2022, has collected this project, which has also gained media coverage in outlets such as The Guardian, The World of Interiors, It's Nice That, The Londonist and South China Morning Post.

About the Artist cum
Technical Director


他一直熱衷於透過電腦動畫、數碼實境和機器人技術去擴充流動影像的概念,以及探討實物與數碼實境的聯繫。他的作品曾於多個國際活動展出,包括奧地利林茲電子藝術節(奧地利和倫敦)、巴塞爾藝術展香港展會、倫敦大學學院互動建築實驗室和日本放送協會。陳氏曾獲得多個獎項,包括奧地利林茲電子藝術競賽榮譽獎 (2022)、倫敦大學學院巴特利特獎 (2022) 和台灣金點設計獎 (2019)。


Kachi Chan is an Interdisciplinary artist. He is currently working as a Research Assistant Professor at the School of Creative Arts, Hong Kong Baptist University.

He is interested in employing computational animation, digital reality technologies and robotics as lenses to expand the notion of moving images as well as to examine the connections between physical and digital realities. His works were presented internationally at occasions including Ars Electronica (Austria and London), Art Basel in Hong Kong, Interactive Architecture Lab at University College London (UCL) and NHK (Japan). He has received numerous awards, including Honorary Mention of the prestigious media arts competition The Prix Ars Electronica (2022), The Bartlett Medal of UCL (2022) and Golden Pin Design Award (2019).

In 2019, Chan was funded by the Hong Kong Scholarship for Excellence Scheme to pursue Master’s degrees at the Royal College of Art and Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL, where he developed a keen interest in robotics as an art form. His works in the UK mostly involve performative robotics as a research method to discuss socio-political and cybernetic topics.


Foreseen Property Agency

09.09 - 19.09.2023

藝術家 Artists
陳家智 Kachi Chan
黃詠珊(飛天豬)Pat WingShan Wong (aka Flying Pig)

項目總監 Project Director
黃詠珊(飛天豬)Pat WingShan Wong (aka Flying Pig)

技術總監 Technical Director
陳家智 Kachi Chan

展覽策展人 Exhibition Curator
潘韻怡 Doris Poon

主視覺設計 Visual Identity

網頁設計 Web Design

文字編輯 Editor
李挽靈 Mary Lee

書籍裝幀 Book Binding
天盈 Tiana Wong

展覽製作 Exhibition Production
劉志鏗 Herman Lau

Guest Speaker of the Exhibition Tour

梁展峰 Jeff Leung

Theater Actors and Choreographer of the Exhibition Opening

馬嘉裕 Trista Ma

參與店舖 Participating Shops
朱榮記 Chu Wing Kee
美都餐室 Mido Cafe
成興泰糧食 Shing Hing Tai

作家 Authors
啡白 Brown + White
羅宇正 Eugenia Lo
李挽靈 Mary Lee
急急子 Amber Au
林兆榮 Lam Siu Wing

影片剪接 Video Editors
梁皓昇 Carlos Leung

羅志明 Jimmy Lo

特別鳴謝 Special Thanks
Rachel Sale
黃啟浩 Karl Wong
蕭偉俊 Melancholy
倫嘉樂 Kyco Lun

Join Us

Open Call for Local Traditional Small Businesses


With the vision of expanding the project’s reach to the wider community, we welcome more local traditional small businesses to join the Foreseen archive. Shop owners interested in recording their shops using the 360 camera and engaging in video interviews may reach out by emailing hello.foreseen@gmail.com for further details.

Collaborators Wanted!

檔案庫研究員 Archive Researcher

資歷 Qualifications:

  • 對老店保育有興趣
    Interested in the preservation of local traditional small businesses
  • 擅於以文字、影片或其他媒介記述空間及人物故事
    Proficient in narrating spatial and personal stories through text, video, or other media
  • 良好的溝通及人際技巧
    Good communication and interpersonal skills
  • 願意與他人合作
    A team player


If you are interested in contributing to the documentation of local traditional small businesses for the Foreseen archive, please reach out by emailing hello.foreseen@gmail.com for further details.

About the Artist cum
Technical Director


他一直熱衷於透過電腦動畫、數碼實境和機器人技術去擴充流動影像的概念,以及探討實物與數碼實境的聯繫。他的作品曾於多個國際活動展出,包括奧地利林茲電子藝術節(奧地利和倫敦)、巴塞爾藝術展香港展會、倫敦大學學院互動建築實驗室和日本放送協會。陳氏曾獲得多個獎項,包括奧地利林茲電子藝術競賽榮譽獎 (2022)、倫敦大學學院巴特利特獎 (2022) 和台灣金點設計獎 (2019)。


About the Artist cum
Project Director




她最近的研究項目 Barter Archive 於2020年榮獲瓦利紀念獎,並於2021年獲得英格蘭藝術理事會和香港藝術發展局的項目資助。該項目目前仍與倫敦博物館、皇家藝術學院、坎伯韋爾藝術大學以及泰特檔案館和白教堂畫廊的策展人進行合作。作品被倫敦博物館收藏,她曾於2022年擔任該館的研究員。 Barter Archive 受到廣泛媒體報導,包括衛報、The World of Interiors、It's Nice That 和 The Londonist 及南華早報等。

Kachi Chan is an Interdisciplinary artist. He is currently working as a Research Assistant Professor at the School of Creative Arts, Hong Kong Baptist University.

He is interested in employing computational animation, digital reality technologies and robotics as lenses to expand the notion of moving images as well as to examine the connections between physical and digital realities. His works were presented internationally at occasions including Ars Electronica (Austria and London), Art Basel in Hong Kong, Interactive Architecture Lab at University College London (UCL) and NHK (Japan). He has received numerous awards, including Honorary Mention of the prestigious media arts competition The Prix Ars Electronica (2022), The Bartlett Medal of UCL (2022) and Golden Pin Design Award (2019).

In 2019, Chan was funded by the Hong Kong Scholarship for Excellence Scheme to pursue Master’s degrees at the Royal College of Art and Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL, where he developed a keen interest in robotics as an art form. His works in the UK mostly involve performative robotics as a research method to discuss socio-political and cybernetic topics.

Pat WingShan Wong (aka Flyingpig) is a community-based illustrator. She is currently working as an Assistant Professor at the Academy of Visual Arts, Hong Kong Baptist University.

Having earned her Master of Arts in Illustration at the Royal College of Art in 2021, Wong specialises in portraying narratives within communities while connecting to the themes such as architecture, technology, memory and identity. In the same year, she served as a Lecturer in Illustration Animation at Kingston School of Art and delivered guest lectures at the Royal College of Art.

Previous publications include The Scenery of Old Shops (2016), an illustration book celebrating the owners and workers in the local traditional small businesses, and Once Upon a Time in Tai Kwun (2018), a collection of 100 oral narratives shared by the old neighbours in Central, which explores the history of the Central Police Station compound and the myriad intricate relationships cultivated in the neighbourhood.

Wong's recent research, the Barter Archive, received the Varley Memorable Award in 2020 and was granted funding by Art Council England and the Hong Kong Art Development Council in 2021. The project is ongoing and has collaborations with Royal College of Art, Camberwell University of Arts, and curators from the Tate Archive and the Whitechapel Gallery. The Museum of London, where Wong worked as a researcher in 2022, has collected this project, which has also gained media coverage in outlets such as The Guardian, The World of Interiors, It's Nice That, The Londonist and South China Morning Post.


Foreseen Property Agency

09.09 - 19.09.2023

藝術家 Artists
陳家智 Kachi Chan
黃詠珊(飛天豬)Pat WingShan Wong (aka Flying Pig)

項目總監 Project Director
黃詠珊(飛天豬)Pat WingShan Wong (aka Flying Pig)

技術總監 Technical Director
陳家智 Kachi Chan

展覽策展人 Exhibition Curator
潘韻怡 Doris Poon

主視覺設計 Visual Identity

網頁設計 Web Design

文字編輯 Editor
李挽靈 Mary Lee

書籍裝幀 Book Binding
天盈 Tiana Wong

展覽製作 Exhibition Production
劉志鏗 Herman Lau

Guest Speaker of the Exhibition Tour

梁展峰 Jeff Leung

Theater Actors and Choreographer of the Exhibition Opening

馬嘉裕 Trista Ma

參與店舖 Participating Shops
朱榮記 Chu Wing Kee
美都餐室 Mido Cafe
成興泰糧食 Shing Hing Tai

作家 Authors
啡白 Brown + White
羅宇正 Eugenia Lo
李挽靈 Mary Lee
急急子 Amber Au
林兆榮 Lam Siu Wing

影片剪接 Video Editors
梁皓昇 Carlos Leung

羅志明 Jimmy Lo

特別鳴謝 Special Thanks
Rachel Sale
黃啟浩 Karl Wong
蕭偉俊 Melancholy
倫嘉樂 Kyco Lun

Open Call for Local Traditional
Small Businesses


With the vision of expanding the project’s reach to the wider community, we welcome more local traditional small businesses to join the Foreseen archive. Shop owners interested in recording their shops using the 360 camera and engaging in video interviews may reach out by emailing hello.foreseen@gmail.com for further details.

Collaborators Wanted!

檔案庫研究員 Archive Researcher

資歷 Qualifications:

  • 對老店保育有興趣
    Interested in the preservation of local traditional small businesses
  • 擅於以文字、影片或其他媒介記述空間及人物故事
    Proficient in narrating spatial and personal stories through text, video, or other media
  • 良好的溝通及人際技巧
    Good communication and interpersonal skills
  • 願意與他人合作
    A team player


If you are interested in contributing to the documentation of local traditional small businesses for the Foreseen archive, please reach out by emailing hello.foreseen@gmail.com for further details.