
Project Statement


自二零一六年起,寓延團隊已展開本地老店考察,並以寫生方式記錄店舖空間及其經營故事。及後數年,偶有應邀為大型地產開發商設計並描繪未來發展藍圖。作為城市印象的塑造者,表述時態的轉換,令團隊反思集體回憶的價值定義。時值廿一世紀知識型經濟轉型,寓延團隊抓緊是次機遇,銳意為本地老店保育注入科技元素,通過3D點雲(point cloud)技術,記錄本地老店空間細節,並以類似樓花預售的模式,分拆、預售3D點雲實體紀錄,讓大眾在自由物業市場體制下體現他們對本地老店的價值追求,開拓傳統消費模式以外的可能性。所得收益於扣除郵費及一半製作成本後將捐贈予項目相關老店或其指定之慈善受惠機構。


Originating from Hong Kong, Foreseen Property Agency aspires to document local traditional small businesses with advanced technology and pioneering marketing concepts, to foster a future communal practice of community conservation. Our business encompasses digital archiving, virtual 3D modelling, participatory commercial activities, and workshops, with the goal of engaging the public through diverse means and passing on the legacy of local traditional small businesses.

Since 2016, our team has launched an exploration of local traditional small businesses, capturing the spaces and business narratives of these venerable establishments through sketches and records. In subsequent years, at the invitation of major property developers, the team has designed and illustrated blueprints for prospective developments. Shaping an urban impression and narrating temporal shifts, Foreseen reflects on the value definition of collective memories. Grasping the opportunities presented by the knowledge economy of the 21st century, Foreseen is dedicated to incorporating technology into the conservation of local traditional small businesses. Through 3D point cloud technology, spatial intricacies of the local traditional small businesses are documented, to be derived and rematerialised for presale, enabling the public to confer material value upon local traditional small businesses according to the dialectics of free market economy, and explore possibilities beyond conventional forms of consumption. All sales proceeds, after deducting the postage fees and half of the production cost, will be donated to the relevant local traditional small businesses or their designated charities.

At present, the point cloud records sales project is joined by several local traditional small businesses; a pop-up experiential store located in Central allows the general public passionate about our local traditional small business culture to get a taste of Foreseen’s unique and innovative local traditional small business purchase experience. Looking ahead, with progressive expansion and improvement of the project mechanism and more local traditional small businesses participating in it, Foreseen strives towards the creation of mutual benefits for our local traditional small businesses and our society, as the trusted local enterprise in the eyes of the general public.

Key Dates


Sales begins

9.9 - 9.18

On-site application accepted during the exhibition period


Purchase through email after the exhibition period
Sales Arrangement

Visit and invite local small traditional businesses to participate in Foreseen’s programme.


Equip shop owners to use the 360 camera to document the space


Conduct interviews with the shop owners and document their stories in the online archive.


Encourage public engagement in the programme through the physical exhibition.


Prospective buyers can select their preferred local traditional small business and purchase a segment of the point-cloud data in a manner reminiscent of property presale.


Buyers will receive the provisional sale and purchase agreement and establish the buyer-seller relationship with Foreseen upon settlement of payment.


The Foreseen team shall deliver the point cloud tangible record to the buyer when the designated local traditional small business is relocated and/or closed down.


All proceeds from sales, after deducting the postage fees and half of the production cost, will be donated to the local traditional small businesses or the designated charities. Foreseen will guarantee transparency in transaction records and ensure that stakeholders, including the shop owners and buyers, are well informed.

Terms &

Terms & Regulations

  1. 下列的銷售條款及條件 (本「條款及條件」) 適用於寓延地產代理(「寓延」)發行之訂購確認書內列明及收到欲購買產品之一方(「買方」)之訂購表格後發行之有關文件內列明之產品(「產品」)。產品一詞應(如適用)包括與產品有關之書面文件。買方同意根據本條款及條件購買產品。
  2. 買方須使用寓延預先同意之條款及條件之訂購表格訂購產品。所有上述之訂購表格須經佳能以其訂購確認書接受該訂購方為有效。訂購確認書或其發票須印有或附上本條款及條件。
  3. 買方須於訂購產品時確保訂購之準確。訂購一經確認,包括成功收款後,雙方即建立一份具有約束力的協議,將不能取消及退款。
  4. 寓延須合理地根據訂購確認書及於指定老店搬遷或結業時將產品交付予買方。儘雖如此,交付時間並不是重要的合約條款;如交付延誤,寓延無需就此向買方承擔任何法律責任。
  5. 所有依此提供之產品的售價須為訂購確認書及有關文件內列明之售價。
  6. 寓延對其所有的點雲紀錄之知識產權,擁有絕對的所有權。未經寓延的事先書面批准,訂購表格、訂購確認書和本銷售條款及條件的內容不得被解釋為通過暗示或其他方式授予買方任何許可或權利使用寓延的任何知識產權。
  7. 倘若任何一方未能或延遲履行任何本條款及條件下之責任,而該不履行或延誤是由於任何超出該方合理控制下之原因(包括但不限於天災、民事或軍事行為、勞資糾紛或未能履行其責任、火災、暴動、民間騷動、破壞、戰爭、禁運、阻塞、抵制、水災、瘟疫、交通延誤或政府制裁),並己因此而通知另一方,該方責任之履行時間將被相應地延長。倘若有關情況持續多於三個月,雙方須進行善意討論務求減輕有關情況之影響或達成公平及合理的替代協議。
  8. 寓延保留於任何時間更改或終止以上條款及細則之最終決定權而無需事前通知。
  9. 本條款及細則的中文及英文版本如有任何衝突或歧異,均以中文版本為準。

Visit and invite local small traditional businesses to participate in Foreseen’s programme.


Equip shop owners to use the 360 camera to document the space


Conduct interviews with the shop owners and document their stories in the online archive.


Encourage public engagement in the programme through the physical exhibition.


Prospective buyers can select their preferred local traditional small business and purchase a segment of the point-cloud data in a manner reminiscent of property presale.


Buyers will receive the provisional sale and purchase agreement and establish the buyer-seller relationship with Foreseen upon settlement of payment.


The Foreseen team shall deliver the point cloud tangible record to the buyer when the designated local traditional small business is relocated and/or closed down.


All proceeds from sales, after deducting the postage fees and half of the production cost, will be donated to the local traditional small businesses or the designated charities. Foreseen will guarantee transparency in transaction records and ensure that stakeholders, including the shop owners and buyers, are well informed.




自二零一六年起,寓延團隊已展開本地老店考察,並以寫生方式記錄店舖空間及其經營故事。及後數年,偶有應邀為大型地產開發商設計並描繪未來發展藍圖。作為城市印象的塑造者,表述時態的轉換,令團隊反思集體回憶的價值定義。時值廿一世紀知識型經濟轉型,寓延團隊抓緊是次機遇,銳意為本地老店保育注入科技元素,通過3D點雲(point cloud)技術,記錄本地老店空間細節,並以類似樓花預售的模式,分拆、預售3D點雲實體紀錄,讓大眾在自由物業市場體制下體現他們對本地老店的價值追求,開拓傳統消費模式以外的可能性。所得收益於扣除郵費及一半製作成本後將捐贈予項目相關老店或其指定之慈善受惠機構。


Originating from Hong Kong, Foreseen Property Agency aspires to document local traditional small businesses with advanced technology and pioneering marketing concepts, to foster a future communal practice of community conservation. Our business encompasses digital archiving, virtual 3D modelling, participatory commercial activities, and workshops, with the goal of engaging the public through diverse means and passing on the legacy of local traditional small businesses.

Since 2016, our team has launched an exploration of local traditional small businesses, capturing the spaces and business narratives of these venerable establishments through sketches and records. In subsequent years, at the invitation of major property developers, the team has designed and illustrated blueprints for prospective developments. Shaping an urban impression and narrating temporal shifts, Foreseen reflects on the value definition of collective memories. Grasping the opportunities presented by the knowledge economy of the 21st century, Foreseen is dedicated to incorporating technology into the conservation of local traditional small businesses. Through 3D point cloud technology, spatial intricacies of the local traditional small businesses are documented, to be derived and rematerialised for presale, enabling the public to confer material value upon local traditional small businesses according to the dialectics of free market economy, and explore possibilities beyond conventional forms of consumption. All sales proceeds, after deducting the postage fees and half of the production cost, will be donated to the relevant local traditional small businesses or their designated charities.

At present, the point cloud records sales project is joined by several local traditional small businesses; a pop-up experiential store located in Central allows the general public passionate about our local traditional small business culture to get a taste of Foreseen’s unique and innovative local traditional small business purchase experience. Looking ahead, with progressive expansion and improvement of the project mechanism and more local traditional small businesses participating in it, Foreseen strives towards the creation of mutual benefits for our local traditional small businesses and our society, as the trusted local enterprise in the eyes of the general public.


Key Dates


Sales begins

9.9 - 9.18

On-site application accepted during the exhibition period


Purchase through email after the exhibition period

Terms &

  1. 下列的銷售條款及條件 (本「條款及條件」) 適用於寓延地產代理(「寓延」)發行之訂購確認書內列明及收到欲購買產品之一方(「買方」)之訂購表格後發行之有關文件內列明之產品(「產品」)。產品一詞應(如適用)包括與產品有關之書面文件。買方同意根據本條款及條件購買產品。
  2. 買方須使用寓延預先同意之條款及條件之訂購表格訂購產品。所有上述之訂購表格須經佳能以其訂購確認書接受該訂購方為有效。訂購確認書或其發票須印有或附上本條款及條件。
  3. 買方須於訂購產品時確保訂購之準確。訂購一經確認,包括成功收款後,雙方即建立一份具有約束力的協議,將不能取消及退款。
  4. 寓延須合理地根據訂購確認書及於指定老店搬遷或結業時將產品交付予買方。儘雖如此,交付時間並不是重要的合約條款;如交付延誤,寓延無需就此向買方承擔任何法律責任。
  5. 所有依此提供之產品的售價須為訂購確認書及有關文件內列明之售價。
  6. 寓延對其所有的點雲紀錄之知識產權,擁有絕對的所有權。未經寓延的事先書面批准,訂購表格、訂購確認書和本銷售條款及條件的內容不得被解釋為通過暗示或其他方式授予買方任何許可或權利使用寓延的任何知識產權。
  7. 倘若任何一方未能或延遲履行任何本條款及條件下之責任,而該不履行或延誤是由於任何超出該方合理控制下之原因(包括但不限於天災、民事或軍事行為、勞資糾紛或未能履行其責任、火災、暴動、民間騷動、破壞、戰爭、禁運、阻塞、抵制、水災、瘟疫、交通延誤或政府制裁),並己因此而通知另一方,該方責任之履行時間將被相應地延長。倘若有關情況持續多於三個月,雙方須進行善意討論務求減輕有關情況之影響或達成公平及合理的替代協議。
  8. 寓延保留於任何時間更改或終止以上條款及細則之最終決定權而無需事前通知。
  9. 本條款及細則的中文及英文版本如有任何衝突或歧異,均以中文版本為準。